Tag Archives: Independence Day

“Gateway to Brielle”

July 2013 014
Did you ever stop to think what greets people at the entrance of Higgins Avenue, our “Gateway to Brielle?” It’s two liquor stores.

This led me to find these funny sayings:
I saw a liquor store and drank it.
Nothing says “I mean business” like using a cart at the liquor store.
Liver is evil. It must be punished.
To drink or to drink more that is the question?
I only drink on days that end in “y.”
School’s starting. Teachers, you can’t hit the kids, but you can hit the bottle.
Holidays mean family. We sell liquor.
We have enough liquor to make your in-laws tolerable.
Give her wine for Mothers Day because you drove her to it.

Got any more?

Happy Independence Day! Drink up!

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